What Makes September's Birthstone, Sapphire, So Special?
The popular gemstone sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September. The most common form of sapphire is the bright blue stone we usually associate the word sapphire with, but this stone actually comes in several shades. Red is the only color that a sapphire hasn’t been found in. Sapphires are mined in several areas of Madagascar, Australia, Brazil, China, India and several parts of South East Asia.
The most popular shade of the sapphire gemstone is the deep blue associated with divinity. That is why this stone has been favored by ancient Greeks, Buddhists and Christians as a stone that brought in heavenly blessings and wisdom to the wearer. It is also believed that the Ten Commandments were engraved on stone tablets made of sapphire. Apart from these historical references, sapphire has always been a great choice for people to gift each other. Its popularity got a huge boost in 1981 when Prince Charles of Britain presented an engagement ring with a 12 carat blue sapphire to Lady Diana. Apart from divinity, the other qualities associated with blue sapphires include nobility, loyalty, integrity and sincerity. The mind feels focused and self discipline becomes easier when a blue sapphire stone is worn on the body.
Sapphires are so popular as gemstones that there are several good jewelers like Giliarto who provide a wide variety of designs for jewelry adorned with sapphires in blue and other colors. The blue color of sapphire comes from a mineral called corundum. The other shades and colors are observed because of the presence of trace elements. Metals like iron, copper, magnesium and titanium impart specific shades to the blue sapphire stones. The rarest form of sapphire is a pinkish variety called padparadscha, which is a word derived from a Sanskrit word meaning lotus.
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